angua: tagging made gnu

changelog : about

October 11, 2001

Bradley Shuttleworth

  • Extensive SQL updates
  • A number of major subsystems now work (adjudicators, data entry)
  • New development release (0.1.9)

September 18, 2001

Bradley Shuttleworth

  • Major interface rework, largely behind scenes.
  • Especially, new table css
  • Wrote lots of email as design documentation.
  • Added a lot of the SQL generation code.
  • Codified exactly how HTML should be written (especially the stuff on how to make tables work).

August 31, 2001

Bradley Shuttleworth

  • created new logo, new colours.
  • began restructuring directory structure.
  • planned new database structure.
  • broke the system completely, as a resuls.
  • preliminary planning for new "tournament cycle" - which should simplify the process of running a tournament significantly.
  • pondered how to deal with results, considering using LOAD DATA INFILE command - potentially security problem?